Fighting Unemployment
According to a survey, the official unemployment rate in India is approximately 7.91% and it is estimated that nearly 53 million Indians are unemployed. Unofficially, the unemployment rate could be higher. Rehoboth is actively helping the community by providing opportunities for the unemployed.
Barber Training
Recently, Rehoboth started a barber skills training for unemployed men. This is a 3 month long training; students are taught barber skills and the Bible. The goal is to help the men have a self-supporting business, to share the Gospel with their customers and help with church planting.

Set Up for Success
Upon graduation, Rehoboth provides a barber chair, shaving kit, scissors, comb, and cloth wrapper for free, to get their new career started. As a result, the students’ lives and their families are taken care of, the Gospel is presented to the customers daily, and the students are equipped with the Bible to help in the local church. Recently, the first ten students graduated and commissioned.